Where in the world am I today?: Bridgetown, Barbados aboard the GRAND Princess.
Enjoyed watching Peter Gossamer and his assistant Carol Maccri perform in the Princess Theatre last night and ended up taking a bunch of pictures of their second show. After the show wrapped up we headed up to the Buffet on deck 14 and hung out for an hour or so, grabbed a bite and just enjoyed a great post show hang. I’ve really been enjoying hanging with these two while I’ve been aboard the GRAND Princess this contract so when they asked if I’d like to join them at the Beach in Barbados today I said sure!
The ships engines woke me up this morning and by the time I’d checked my email, grabbed some breakfast and sort of got myself together it was time to head out. Met up with Carol and Peter, walked off the ship and out the cruise ship terminal buildings and hopped in a cab to the beach. Today’s beach was the Boat House Yard which is a private beach about a ten minute cab drive from where the ships pull in. Paid the crew price cover charge of $5 to get in and tipped the guy who brought us some chairs, but beyond the that, it was just a great day of hanging out at the beach! The water was amazing, the rum punch went down super smoothly, the conversation was fantastic and the free shots at the bar – the sort where you open your mouth and the bar tender just dumps a shot into your mouth… Well… Somehow I suffered through.
Got back to the ship several hours later having had a fabulous day. The 45 SPF Sun Block seems to have worked as I didn’t get back to the ship burnt to a crisp and man…it was just one of those quality of life days that make the whole cruise ship industry so much fun. Other venues and other markets often pay more than what the Cruise Ship industry is willing to pay performers, but on a day like to day the reasons why one pursues this particular avenue become immediately apparent.
The Hang time with fellow performers is also a blast. The conversations, the exchange of information, the camaraderie – it all makes for a richer life and great friendships! When I started performing and touring my priority used to be more on the pay check, but I think things have shifted a fair bit in recent years, especially after days like today I realize that money, although at times incredibly useful, isn’t what it’s all about. The adventure along the way and the people you get to spend it with, that’s what really counts. Even if the pay check is great, if the hang isn’t good well then I’ll often reconsider whether I really want to take the job. Likewise, if the money is poor, but the hang is going to be fantastic, I’ll often jump at the opportunity for a specific gig.
Everyone has their own priorities, and keeping things in balance is key, but the longer I’ve been at this game, the more important the friendships that I’ve develop along the way have become.