Where in the world am I today?: Yellowknife, NWT, Canada
“We are bits of stellar matter that got cold by accident, bits of a star gone wrong.”
–Sir Arthur Eddington, English astronomer (1882 – 1944)
“The stellar matter in Yellowknife seems to have got significantly colder than say the stellar matter in Hawaii.”
–David ‘checkerhead’ Aiken
At -21˚C my show at noon today in a ‘semi-heated’ outdoor tent at Caribou Carnival is likely the lowest temperature I’ve ever performed at. I swear I thought I was going to be doing indoor shows when I took this gig, but in my experience being able to pull off a show when the conditions are a bit challenging endears you that much more to your audience. The muffled sound of glove wrapped hands applauding my silliness today was music to my ears.