Where in the world am I today?: St. Thomas aboard the Emerald Princess.
I arrived in one piece yesterday into St. Thomas, but my luggage… Well… As I posted yesterday, it missed the connection in Toronto and didn’t make it with me to St. Thomas. I’m very pleased to report that I was reunited with my crap at the St. Thomas International Airport today around Noon – Yippee! From the Airport I was dropped off at Crown Bay to join the Emerald Princess… Did the usual embarkation two step getting on the ship… My Battle Axe and Dubé Juggling Machete weren’t confiscated by ship board security this time around (often they are so this was a nice surprise) made it up to cabin #7110, arranged everything in front of my cabin bed and snapped the image that accompanies this post.
Missing from the big purple bag that I carry my free-standing ladder and unicycle in was the luggage strap I wrap around the middle of the bag and the small spindle of blank CDs and DVDs I carry in my props case (in case I need to burn a back-up Show CD or want to give someone some digital files) had opened up enroute and most of the blank discs seem to have been pretty thoroughly scratched up so given I wasn’t sure that my bags were going to make it to me and the ship in time, these were fairly minor casualty of this particular voyage.
The mild separation anxiety I experienced after having had my connection to my luggage unceremoniously severed at YYZ has passed, but got me to thinking that another casualty of the trip may well have been that small part of my psyche that pondered what would happen if my bags didn’t make it in time… That energy spent imagining the worst possible scenario of arriving at the ship stinking like four different airports and told that I’d have to come up with something to present none-the-less to keep the passengers happy…
Oh, and I should mention that Wendy, my agent from Don Casino Productions along with her parents, Don and Candy Casino the original operators of the agency, Wendy’s almost two-year-old daughter, her husband and various In-Laws… Well they’re all on board the EMERALD at the moment, and wouldn’t you know it… There they were at my first show in the Piazza… Ha! Thankfully everything came off with out a hitch and I’m looking forward to the chance to enjoy some conversations with everyone over the next few days…
It all worked out. Somehow it usually does… Even when it doesn’t, I think the degree to which your psyche is effected depends enormously on how you choose to let unexpected events effect you. This time around I think I managed to pull through quite successfully just sort of rolling with the punches. Sure did feel good to see my bags arrive in St. Thomas today and be reunited with my stuff!