~ The Checkerboard Guy's Blog ~

Pick two of the following three…



Where in the world am I today?: Bridgetown, Barbados

I was told years ago that to succeed in show business you needed two of the following three things.

  1. A good show
  2. A good costume
  3. A good promo pack

Pick any two and you can be successful in this business…

There’s a grain of truth to this, though I’d hate to think that if I have a good costume and good promo my show sucks… Hmmm… Perhaps it’s best not to think about this for too long, but rather consider that these are three areas of the business that are worth working on.

When ever possible I like to watch other shows, check out performer promo, kits, videos etc. and see what they’re wearing because I think there’s always room to improve in these three areas and knowing what other people are doing gives me the best chance of making sure that the image that I’m presenting every time I send out a press kit or step on stage is as good as I can possibly make it.


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