Where in the world am I today?: North Vancouver, BC, Canada
Very deliberately short on today’s post… Just ran out of time to actually write too much, but thought I’d throw up this little nugget…
While working in Japan I noticed that people were carrying around small hand towels/face cloth in the summer and wiping their brows constantly because the humidity was so intense. I saw this, realized that this was a very location specific piece of promo/merchendise that could be tapped into and designed the mini-hand towel you see in the picture. The towels were made for me in Japan and I was blown away with the quality of the product.
This is a very cool little item that is so regionally specific to the culture and habits of Japan that it would be hard to duplicate the success I had with these just about any where else I’ve performed. Still… If you keep your eyes open it’s possible to tap into regionally specific opportunities that are worth investigating further.