Where in the world am I today?: North Vancouver, BC, Canada
“The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.”
–Lily Tomlin, US actress & comedienne (1939 – )
“The RAT RACE eh… Aren’t their better races to be running in the first place?”
–David ‘checkerhead’ Aiken
While in Miami recently I got together with a friend from High School for a drink. Hadn’t seen them for years but through the marvels of Facebook we had been reacquainted. Catching up face to face was great, but I was struck by the fact that they perceived my life to be a success not because I’d taken the path most travelled or chased the goals that so many in our society are obsessed with, but because I had taken an alternate route and still managed to quite happily survive… To them this was a success worthily of celebration. I never really thought about it because I’m too busy simply trying to keep up with what everyday presents, but perhaps there’s something to it.