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Travel Heath Insurance

20009-06-30Where in the world am I today?: North Vancouver, BC, Canada flying to Ottawa, ON, Canada

Yes it’s true that in Canada we have socialized medicine, but if you travel beyond the boarders of your own province or outside of the country it’s probably a good idea to pick up some additional ‘travel health insurance.’ Thankfully I’ve never had to submit a claim on my travel insurance policy and for the most part I’m fairly healthy, but I’ve got to admit that after watching Michael Moore’s 2007 Movie – Sicko I sort of got a really great reminder of why I fork out the cash for travel health insurance every year. Get sick while on tour in the US with out insurance and (if Sicko is accurate) I might find myself in a position of picking which finger I’d like saved…  Ring Finger for $12,000.00 or middle finger for $60,000.00 – Yikes.

As a member of BCAA (British Columbia Automobile Association) a branch of the Canadian Automobile Association I was able to pick up a Travel Health Insurance policy that covers me for trips up to sixty days for less than a hundred bucks and the peace of mind it gives me to know that I’m not totally screwed if some thing goes sideways while I’m traveling is SOOOO worth it! Travel safe and healthy!


One Response to “Travel Heath Insurance”

  1. Bob Cates says:

    Hey Dave,
    I use american express travel insurance and it’s about $120 for 1 year, up to 30 days out. I thought that was a good deal – 60 days for $100 is great.
    I may call CAA here, and see if they are better.
    Bob Cates

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