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Tech Lust… Apple’s New Line-up of MacBook Pros


Where in the world am I today?: Skagway, AK, USA aboard the GOLDEN Princess

In years gone by (not so many actually) I used to jump as soon as Apple Computers released a new computer devouring the specs and lusting after the new feature set… I’m still a huge Apple Fanboy as I’ve stated before, but when Apple released their latest line-up of Macbook Pros, it took me a very long time to bother to check out the specs and to be honest, I’m not chomping at the bit to upgrade my machine…

I think the turning point for me was when consumer computers started to be able to import and edit video… The ability to edit video on a home computer and then eventually on a laptop so sucked me in that I was willing to part with cash from my wallet at more or less the speed of light.

When laptops came out with Superdrive allowing me to burn my own DVDs I was again more than happy to dig a hole in my bank balance…

In recent years though the lust for the new feature set seems to have died down (at least for me) and my willingness to part with the coin necessary to acquire one of these shiny new toys has diminished somewhat. I’m actually really pleased that I got the computer I have when I got it because it still has both Firewire 400 and 800 ports, the DVI port powers a 30 inch monitor and although it’s not the latest greatest thing on the market it very capably handles all the tasks that I seem to be doing these days…

For a long time I seemed to get about three years out of a machine before I was compelled to upgrade. I had the computer before the one I’m using now for four and a half years and only replaced it because the motherboard was fried from over use. My current machine I bought a year ago, and although advancements in technology continue to make newer machines slicker and cooler, if I could get 5 years out of the machine I’m currently using I’d be very happy.

Now… All of this said, I did wandering into an Apple Store the other day and put my hands on the new 13 inch Macbook Pro, and it is a very sexy little machine and were someone in the market for a new computer it would be really easy for me to recommend one to them. For myself though, I don’t see any immediate need to change anything about my current set up. Maybe it’s a sign of age to show a bit more restraint when it comes to such things, or maybe I’ve learned that there’s more to life than just tech lust. Hard to say, but, as nice as they are, I’m sure I’ll survive with out one of the latest Laptop offerings from Apple.


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