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André Gide – Quoted

2010-01-23Where in the world am I today?: At Sea aboard the Emerald Princess

“Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better.”

André Gide, French critic, essayist, & novelist (1869 – 1951)


“I like those moments in my show when the gods of comedy come and give me a little gift… At such times the best thing I can often do is sit back and enjoy the moment with the audience.”

–David ‘checkerhead’ Aiken

We’ve all had those moments during the course of a performance when something unexpected happens that make the moment hugely more entertaining than anything you could have ‘planned.’ I like referring to these as gifts from the comedy gods. Those prevaors of frivolity who occasionally bless a performer with an extra ounce of humour to send the audience into hysterics. In moment’s such as these do everyone a favour and don’t get in the way of the funny!

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