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The College Market Revistied…

2009-09-23Where in the world am I today?: North Vancouver, BC, Canada

A while back I got an email from my friend Guy Collins asking me what I knew about the College Market. I wrote back explaining that my knowledge was a bit limited, much of which I wrote about in a recent-ish blog post here… He took that information, followed up on it and asked another friend, Wacky Chad, some more questions and recently sent me another email with this additional information as a follow-up on some of what he discovered… Here then is some additional information about booking shows in the College Market thanks to Guy Collins and Wacky Chad –

From Guy –

Here is what I have found out about the college gig scene.

1. You have to join sonicbids.com – This is OK but it does cost at least $5.99 a month for a basic EPK (Electronic Press Kit). I have got some good leads from sonicbids but as yet no concrete bookings! Check them out yourself. Typically, agents who book for the US colleges will only look at you if you have a sonicbids EPK though I know Gazzo got enlisted by an agent who just knew of him!

2. If you are going to represent yourself you need to join NACA and or COCA, this is very expensive. $710-00 for NACA and about $250? for COCA. Then you have to be selected to go to one of their conferences which you have to buy booth space at which again costs you approx $250-.

(NACA is North American Campus Activities. COCA is the Canadian equivalent.)

This additional information from Whacky Chad –

When I joined sonicbids I had no idea what to expect, I just put up a really nice EPK on there and an agent saw it and my video – liked it and picked me up. So, based on my experience, try submiting you’re website, and sonicbids EPK to agents.

Also, try walking in to the student activities board (or find the contact us part of local colleges and email them from their website or send them promo to address with special note that your trying to break into the college market). Ask someone at the college who and where to go to give your promo to that deals with campus activities and entertainment. Meet and greet this individual in person if you can. Go to a few colleges in your area and explain who you are, what you do and how long you’ve been around for. Basically do cold calls to your local schools to try and get the ball rolling.

If you say you’re trying to break into the college market and would perform a show for a discounted price (like $400-$700) they may go for it. Then tell them you’ll help promote yourself around campus, make posters, flyers etc. Basically try and get a lot of students to come even if it costs money out of you’re pocket to do the advertising.

If you go this route, check out – gotprint.com – for HIGH quality flyers, and make your self look as good as possible. Spend the extra money and get the dual side color flyers (not cheap B&W paper flyers). This is very much a case of spending money to make money. Do what ever it takes to secure that first show. I would maybe even print 10 big posters of your act and frame them to hang up around campus explaining when and where the show will be. Make the posters so you can change the date and time and location.

Once you book the show, get a professional to video tape your amazing college show and edit the quality video footage into a slick package that you can then put on sonicbids and you’re own website and make sure you clearly state that you specialize in college shows on you’re website.

Other Important info about college gigs:

  • They like super-funny!
  • Be extremely personable!
  • Make yourself easy to book – this includes a tech rider that is not overly complicated
  • Great promo and easy to download!
  • You’re act has to have “the college look” – that’s what I’m still trying to figure out. One that says this show is perfect for college students.

2 Responses to “The College Market Revistied…”

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