Where in the world am I today?: Yellowknife, NWT, Canada
Prologue: Daniel is another of the guys I met through the Winnipeg C.A.M.P. Program… When I asked Daniel about it, this is what he said –
The year was 1999. I was fourteen years old, just having started in street performing and I was doing my first year of instruction at the C.A.M.P., surrounded by amazing acts, performers and people. We met in the teachers lounge of Gordon Bell High School where the C.A.M.P. Program was being instructed – just after the little intro show all the performers do to hopefully inspire the kids to learn some of the skills. I remember you as energetic as you’ve always been introducing yourself to me, checker pants and all, and I was probably scared and/or intimidated out of my mind.
Apparently I have that effect on people… Who knew? Since 1999 it’s been fun watching Dan’s show grow and evolve and a treat to see him win an award at the Kingston Buskers Rendezvous a couple of years ago. He’s come a long way!
Name: Daniel Craig
Birthday: May 8th, 1984.
Place of Birth: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Started Peforming/Working in the Industry: At 10 years old, as a walk-by devil sticker. Did my first circle show at 13, and it’s been a wonderful ride ever since.
Websites: www.thedanshow.ca
Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3bmdFEBpJ4
Venues Worked: Almost every busker festival in Canada, Cirque on Ice in Singapore, Singapore Buskers Festival, touring theatre shows across over thirty five of the United States, street in Germany, the United States of America, Thailand… Um… It’s pretty awesome that I have to stop and think about this now!
Hot 10 Questions:
- What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream and why? • Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Something about the cookie dough always being a consistent viscosity, whilst the ice cream meanders about around it. It’s a testament to solidarity in an ever changing world!
- Name one movie that would make it to your Top 10 all-time great films. • I’m a big B-Movie fan, so I don’t often see the Hollywood blockbusters. Give me a camera that can’t record sound, and only do thirty seconds at a time! But as far as recent movies go, I have to say that “Donnie Darko” was a dark and intensely speculative thriller. One of my all time favourites.
- What was your favorite toy from childhood? • Lego. I would build huge elaborate castles that combined all the medieval lego sets. I’d still play with it if I knew where it was.
- Who were your biggest inspirations when you got started? • My first real inspirations to start performing were a street act called “The Three Canadians.” They actually invited me on stage to help introduce one of their shows and after the two seconds of what-I-knew-as fame, I was hooked to hearing an audience react. Since then, (and no, I’m not just putting this here because it’s your blog) Robin Chestnut, Flyin’ Bob, and you, The Checkerboard Guy, were the first big acts I was exposed to. Robin taught me about juggling and how to make it interesting so you’re not just a guy juggling, you’re an honest and true entertainer. Flyin’ Bob Palmer showed me there is great potential in any idea or any trick with any prop no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. The Checkerboard Guy taught me to leave the pitch or stage in a better state than I found it. These are three big things that I have never forgotten to this day. Recently I have to cite Paul and Joey of the Phantastyks for being so gracious when training with me, and most recently three amazing performers whom I met doing Cirque on Ice, Adam Kuchler (who reminds me of Flying Bob), and Anton and Vladimir Kostenko who remind me that as you get more skilled at your discipline, you should get more and more humble to boot.
- From the world of animation what one character do you most identify with or see yourself in? • On rough days, I’m a total Charlie Brown. On good ones, I’m all about the Wolverine.
- Name something that scares you. • Getting injured. I have delusions that I’m indestructible, yes, but I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I was held back by my own body. Aside from that: BUGS. HATE THEM!
- Apart from the entertainment industry, name one other job you’ve had. • I’ve only had one other job. I slung drinks as a bartender at a nice Indian restaurant. I miss the chaos of it sometimes, and then I realize I have more than enough chaos to manage day to day anyways!
- What’s something you haven’t done yet that you’d like to try? • Spanish Web. It just looks like so much fun!
- What’s your least favourite thing about being a performer? • I’m sure mine is the same as many others: The promotional and managerial part. I love performing so much and thank god it’s so intoxicating because it makes doing all the busy work worth it. Also, being asked to send promo out and about and then getting no response. Even if you don’t want to book me, please be courteous enough to say so and maybe even tell me what I can do to improve my chances next time!
- If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? • “You did the best you could with all the cards you were given and you lived up to a great potential. You affected the lives of your friends, family and audiences in wonderful ways. So… Here’s a guiltless cold one at the end of the road, and c’mon in!”
The Nugget:
Pick one nugget of wisdom you’ve picked up from your career in Show Business to share with the World.
“My experience does not run as deep as many of the others who have posted here, but I believe that in any business, it’s not what you do, it’s who you are. People will remember your achievements but they’ll more so remember the person who achieved them. So – be as good to everyone as you can, accept that mistakes happen and live so that you can honestly say you have no regrets.”
–Daniel Craig