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Archive for December 18th, 2009

Phil LeConte • Interviews from the Inside

2009-12-18Where in the world am I today?: Dominica aboard the GRAND Princess.

Prologue: I first met Phil and his partner Colin back at the 1999 Ottawa Buskers Festival on Sparks Street. Right from the get go Phil really impressed me with his drive and love of the art form. The Sillie’s Show was a bit rough back in the day, but they quickly figured it out and Phil spear headed promotional efforts that quickly make The Silly People regulars on the Festival Circuit. Phil and Colin also joined the fold as part of the C.A.M.P. family, and it was at a C.A.M.P. wrap party that the initial musical challenge was delivered. I told Phil I wanted him to create a mixed CD full of cover tunes of famous 80’s songs. Phil has one of the largest music collections I know of, so I figured this would generate an amusing mixed CD… He sent me two… He also gave me a challenge in response. Mixed CDs flew back and forth in the mail for about a year and were a hoot to not only receive but also create. Smart Cookie that Phil! Looking forward to making it to the Arts Festival he produces coming up in June 2010.


Name: Phil LeConte from The Silly People.
Birthday: September 8, 1974.
Place of Birth: Kitchener aka K-Town, Ontatio.
Started Peforming/Working in the Industry: 1993.
Discipline: Comedian, juggler, producer and international shit disturber.
Websites: www.sillypeople.comwww.waterlooartsfestival.comwww.waterloocomedy.com
Video Link: http://www.sillypeople.com/video/SillyEpisode2007.wmv
Venues Worked: Living Rooms, Back yards, side streets and a few festivals.  Please see resume http://www.sillypeople.com/about.shtml#resume

Hot 10 Questions:

  1. What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream and why?I actually do not have a favourite…I like em all, well maybe not Aloe Vera or Wild Mushroom, but most normal flavours.
  2. Name one movie that would make it to your Top 10 all-time great films.Die Hard.
  3. What was your favorite toy from childhood?My Star Wars action figures…Darth Vader or Yoda.
  4. Who were your biggest inspirations when you got started?I guess Street Performers in general…at one time there used to be a great festival in my town and I guess those performers were somewhat inspiring.  As far as the Producer in me, the blame is mostly Neal Rempel’s.
  5. From the world of animation what one character do you most identify with or see yourself in? • Cartman, but a little thinner.
  6. Name something that scares you.Heights.
  7. Apart from the entertainment industry, name one other job you’ve had. • Music Retail.
  8. What’s something you haven’t done yet that you’d like to try? Deep Sea fishing.
  9. What’s your least favourite thing about being a performer? • Rolling coins.
  10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? • “Your poker seat is ready.

The Nugget:

Pick one nugget of wisdom you’ve picked up from your career in Show Business to share with the World.

It’s not about the money.

–Phil Leconte

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