Where in the world am I today?: Brazil Mostly – San Paulo and Forteleza.
“I refer to jet lag as ‘jet-psychosis’ — there’s an old saying that the spirit cannot move faster than a camel“
–Spalding Gray, American actor (1941 – 2004)
“So much of today was spent in planes and airports that I’m not really sure which time zone my body will eventually settle in.”
–David ‘checkerhead’ Aiken
It was one of those very very long days of travel. Flew from Vancouver to Toronto yesterday on an afternoon flight, then from Toronto on to San Paulo, Brazil on an overnight flight, then a nice four hour layover in San Paulo before hopping onto a flight to Forteleza. Got in to the Hotel around 9:30 PM local time, grabbed a bite to eat then headed to my room to pass out… I’ll be joining the GRAND Princess tomorrow and expect it’ll take a couple of days for the camel to catch up with the rest of my brain/spirit… Thankfully I don’t think I have to perform immediately upon my arrival to the ship, but if I do I will… Just part of the job…