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Archive for September 26th, 2009

Donald H. Rumsfeld – Quoted

2009-09-26Where in the world am I today?: North Vancouver, BC, Canada

If you are not criticized, you may not be doing much.

Donald H. Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defense (1932 – )


“I used to hide from the critics, now I seek them out… I listen, I learn, and try to remember that not all criticism is constructive. Often the comments that are less useful say more about the person who’s giving than they do about me and what I’m doing, but even in that there’s learning to be gleaned.”

–David ‘checkerhead’ Aiken

From one quote to another… My Grandfather used to tell me that –

“Everyone can teach you something even if it’s what ‘not’ to be like.”

Criticism in what ever form can be incredibly useful if you’ve got the right ears to actually hear what’s being said and from whom it’s being said. If you can develop a tough enough skin to listen to the critics and glean what them what is useful while disregarding the rest then you’re likely super-human. The rest of us can at least attempt to not have the critics effect us too much!

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