Where in the world am I today?: North Vancouver, BC, Canada
So, I don’t know about anyone else out there, but the amount of time I’m spending dealing with emails seems to be slowly but surely increasing. Add to that the occasional visit to Facebook to respond to messages there (because some friends have started to use Facebook as an alternative to sending traditional emails) and hours of each day can get gobbled up.
I love the ability to stay in touch with friends and to get almost immediate answers to business inquiries and about 95% of my performance work these days comes via email inquiries, so electronic communications have become a necessity, but I just shake my head at the end of some days realizing that the biggest goal I accomplished for the day was to deal with my email inbox.
For some reason 2009 feels like a year full of possibility to me and I’ve started working on some new material and projects that require a certain time commitment that pulls me away from my computer. I’m trying to make these other interests a priority because even if I sit down at my desk for a minute to check my incoming message that minute can quickly become an hour, or two…
This week started with me working with my sewing machine on a curtain for a prop case stand. I loved the project and was very pleased with the results, but it ended up taking up most of the day to complete (and I didn’t get to my email – boo hoo). Today I’m working on the finishing touches for a rola bola board and may do a bit of shopping for some props I’m looking at picking up…
I guess it dawned on me a while back that I call myself an entertainer, I do love my show and playing for an audience and this is how I earn my living, but if I was to calculate the amount of time that I spend actually working on my show verses the amount of time I spend responding to emails it would be a bit of an embarrassment to realize just how far out of whack I’ve let things get.
I don’t think I’m quite to the place I’d like to be yet in terms of the amount of time I’m working on my show and new material, but it does feel good to have made this realization and to be taking steps towards finding a better balance. Right then… Do excuse me… I have a few emails I have to deal with…