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Archive for January 9th, 2009

Kevin Hughes • Interviews from the Inside

2009-01-091Where in the world am I today?: Aruba

Prologue: I first met Kevin in September 2006 as we boarded the CROWN Princess in St. Thomas. Kevin was had a bouncy leprechaun-like step and we became friends in a heartbeat. His comedy primarily focuses on relationships and when he’s not doing comedy shows he also does lectures. He can often be found sitting at a round table in Horizon Court on whatever Princess Ship he happens to be performing having ‘round table discussions’ as he likes to call them.


Birthday: September 28, 1951
Place of Birth: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Started Performing/Working in the Industry: Austin Texas, 1981
Discipline: Stand-up Comedian
Website: http://www.staytogether.us
Video Link: http://www.staytogether.us/clips.html
Venues Worked: Cruise Ships, Comedy Clubs, TV, Radio, and one Industrial Film for Clark Equipment Corporation – Fork lifts (nice!)

Hot 10 Questions:

  1. What’s your favorite color? • Pink
  2. What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream • Vanilla
  3. What makes you laugh? • My Children
  4. Who were your biggest inspirations when you got started?Bill Cosby, George Burns, Lucille Ball
  5. If you could describe yourself as a character from Whinnie the Pooh, who would it be? • The love child of Tigger and Owl
  6. Apart from the entertainment industry, name one other job you’ve had. • Soldier in the US Army – Platoon Sergent
  7. What’s something you haven’t done yet that you’d like to try? Fly a single engine plane from North Carolina to Bourget Field in France to retrace the steps of Charles Lindbergh
  8. What’s the best thing about being a performer? • Making people laugh
  9. What’s the hardest thing about being a performer? • Being away from your family
  10. Why do you keep performing? • How could you not??? Because it’s part of who I am be it on stage or off.

The Nugget:

Pick one nugget of wisdom you’ve picked up from your career in Show Business to share with the World.

Kevin Huges’s Three Rules of Comedy –

  1. Nobody thinks they’re funny, your friends think your funny. So you’ve already proven you can make someone laugh.
  2. Since you can make your friends laugh, consider your audience your new friends
  3. Don’t write what you think the audience thinks is funny, write what you think is funny and convince the audience to see it your way.

–Kevin Huges


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